So today I Find out that Team Jacob and Team Edward (at least at my school) aren't talking. And, oh yeah, I've been elected Messenger Girl. As you can imagine, I was very pleased. Who I'm I kidding! I was madder than a wet hen! Of course there is the bonus of knowing what is being written, so I wasn't that mad. And it started pay off right away. Team E had a letter for Team J. I nearly busted a gut reading this:
Dear Team Jacob,
You cannot even start to imagine
how little we care for you.
It's just. . . usually we have dogs as pets,
not as lovers.
So please keep your puppy away from us.
Yours Truly,
Team Edward
*snort* If you didn't laugh at that, you have zip sense of humor. *giggles*
Hahah! Classic! Love your blog!